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Project Folder API
The Project Folder API allows you to search, create, modify, and delete Project folders. These APIs are only available to customers who have the project folder functionality enabled on their plan.
Common HTTP Headers
Header | Description | Value |
Content-Type | Specifies the format of the request body | application/json |
Authorization | Requires the OAuth token you obtained through the OAuth flow | Bearer {OAuth token} |
Error | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
403 | User is not authorized |
404 | Item not found |
Get All Projects
This endpoint is used to list all project folders in the domain.
Mark Folder as Project
This endpoint is used to mark an existing folder as a project.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
rootFolderId | FolderId of the root project folder | Yes | string |
name | The name of the project | Yes | string |
description | Folder description | No | string |
status | Status of the project | Yes | pending, in-progress, completed, on-hold, or canceled |
startDate | The start date of the project. | No | string |
completionDate | The completion date for the project. | No | string |
Sample Request Body
{ "rootFolderId": "5bd7337c-b303-46a0-938d-0365352a5c74", "name": "Egnyte's new project, Mountain View, CA", "description": "Project description goes here", "status": "pending", "startDate": "2022-05-01T12:37:56.000+0000", "completionDate": "2022-11-05T12:37:56.000+0000" }
Create From Template
This endpoint is used to create a new project from a project folder template. This endpoint is only available to customers who have the project folder templates feature available on their plan.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
parentFolderId | Folder ID of the parent folder where the project folder will be created | Yes | string |
templateFolderId | Folder ID of the project folder template | Yes | string |
folderName | Name of the new folder that will be created | Yes | string |
name | The name of the project | Yes | string |
description | Folder description | No | string |
projectId | ID of the project | Yes, if used in dynamic group name for the template | string |
customerName | The customer associated with the project | No | string |
location.streetAddress1 | First line of the street address | No | string |
location.streetAddress2 | Second line of the street address | No | string |
location.city | City | No | string |
location.state | State or Province | No | string |
location.postalCode | Zip code or postal code | No | string |
location.country | Country | No | 3 character country code from the ISO 3166 GENC profile, for example: USA, GBR, POL |
status | Status of the project | Yes | pending, in-progress, or on-hold |
startDate | The start date of the project. | No | string |
completionDate | The completion date for the project. | No | string |
Sample Request Body
{ "parentFolderId": "7c30e681-bf0d-462e-b6cf-7471844962df", "templateFolderId": "c881b13e-3fac-4a88-88ea-7221ef2855d8", "folderName": "ABC123 - 123 Main St", "name": "Acme Widgets HQ", "description": "New HQ for Acme Widgets", "projectId": "ABC123", "customerName": "Acme Widgets", "status": "pending", "startDate": "2022-11-20", "completionDate": null, "location": { "streetAddress1": "123 Main St", "streetAddress2": null, "city": "Anytown", "state": "CA", "postalCode": "99999", "country": "USA" } }
Sample Response Body
If your template creates new groups, those groups will be included in the response body.
{ "groupsCreated": [ { "id" : "8b149a9e-cafc-4c86-bc0c-a6fbacd5e16f", "name" : "ABC123 - Project Team" }, { "id" : "a183d648-dce7-4aa6-a946-993890c5a4d8", "name" : "ABC123 - Project Managers" }, { "id" : "f42c20f1-1205-4083-b8db-04df9c8706bf", "name" : "ABC123 - BIM" }, { "id" : "c988438b-e5f0-4ed9-b788-0f4265115926", "name" : "ABC123 - External" } ] }
Find Project by Id
This endpoint is used to retrieve a project based on its Id.
Sample Response Body
{ "id": "a69bd625-1dc3-4dcf-98f5-8e3e3fbb0b29", "rootFolderId": "b133ce0d-2e79-4cf8-bf3a-8758f7b117b3", "name": "Acme Widgets HQ Redesign", "projectId": "ABC-123", "customerName": "Acme Widgets Co", "description": "Redesigned HQ for Acme Widgets", "location": { "streetAddress1": "123 Main St.", "streetAddress2": null, "city": "Anytown", "state": "CA", "country": "USA", "postalCode": "99999" }, "status": "in-progress", "startDate": "2022-11-01T00:00:00.000+0000", "createdBy": 4, "lastUpdatedBy": 4, "creationTime": "2022-11-02T19:02:31.000+0000", "lastModifiedTime": "2022-11-02T12:09:50.000+0000" }
Find Project by root folder id
This endpoint is used to retrieve a project based on the id of the root folder.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
rootFolderId | The id of the root folder | Yes | string |
Sample Response Body
[ { "id": "a69bd625-1dc3-4dcf-98f5-8e3e3fbb0b29", "rootFolderId": "b133ce0d-2e79-4cf8-bf3a-8758f7b117b3", "name": "Acme Widgets HQ Redesign", "projectId": "ABC-123", "customerName": "Acme Widgets Co", "description": "Redesigned HQ for Acme Widgets", "location": { "streetAddress1": "123 Main St.", "streetAddress2": null, "city": "Anytown", "state": "CA", "country": "USA", "postalCode": "99999" }, "status": "in-progress", "startDate": "2022-11-01T00:00:00.000+0000", "createdBy": 4, "lastUpdatedBy": 4, "creationTime": "2022-11-02T19:02:31.000+0000", "lastModifiedTime": "2022-11-02T12:09:50.000+0000" } ]
Remove a Project
This endpoint is used to remove a project.
Update an Existing Project
This endpoint is used to update an existing project.
Request Parameters
All parameters here are optional, but at least one parameter must be specified.
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
name | The name of the project | Yes | string |
description | Folder description | No | string |
projectId | ID of the project | Yes, if used in dynamic group name for the template | string |
customerName | The customer associated with the project | No | string |
location.streetAddress1 | First line of the street address | No | string |
location.streetAddress2 | Second line of the street address | No | string |
location.city | City | No | string |
location.state | State or Province | No | string |
location.postalCode | Zip code or postal code | No | string |
location.country | Country | No | 3 character country code from the ISO 3166 GENC profile, for example: USA, GBR, POL |
status | Status of the project | Yes | pending, in-progress, or on-hold |
startDate | The start date of the project. | No | string |
completionDate | The completion date for the project. | No | string |
Sample Request Body
{ "name": "Acme Widgets HQ Redesign", "description": "Redesigned HQ for Acme Widgets", "projectId": "ABC-123", "customerName": "Acme Widgets Co", "status": "in-progress", "startDate": "2022-11-01", "completionDate": null, "location": { "streetAddress1": "123 Main St.", "streetAddress2": null, "city": "Anytown", "state": "CA", "postalCode": "99999", "country": "USA" } }
Clean up project
This endpoint is used to clean up a project.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
deleteLinks | If set to true, all existing active links in the project will be deleted | Yes | boolean (true, false) |
usersToDelete | List of User Ids to be deleted | No | List of User Ids |
usersToDisabed | List of User Ids to be disabled | No | List of User Ids |
Return codes
Return Code | Description |
202 | Cleanup procedure started |
409 | The previous cleanup procedure is still in progress. |
503 | Too many cleanup procedures are being executed. The server can not accept the request at the moment. |
Sample Request Body
{ "deleteLinks": true, "usersToDelete": [ 0 ], "usersToDisable": [ 0 ] }
- Previous: Folder Options API
- Up: Overview
- Next: Controlled Document Management API
Docs Navigation
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Authentication
- Best Practices
- File System API
- Permissions API
- Events API
- Search API
- Links API
- Workflow API
- User Management API
- Group Management API
- Audit Reporting API v2
- Trash API
- Comments API
- Metadata API
- Embedded UI API
- Bookmarks API
- User Insights API
- Folder Options API
- Project Folder API
- Controlled Document Management API
- Document Portal API
- Mobile Development
- Other Applications
- UI Integration Framework
- Webhooks
- Secure and Govern API
- Audit Reporting API V1
- Upload Requests API