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Workflow API
The Workflow API allows you to create a new workflow, list tasks and workflows, and cancel workflows.
Create Workflow
This endpoint is used to create a new workflow on a file.
Request Parameters in the Request Body
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
name | The name of the workflow | Yes | A non-empty string |
file | Group ID of a file for which you want to create the workflow | Yes | {"groupId": GROUP_ID} E.g. {"groupId":"4ffd13e7-bb21-4fb8-845b-4b9f0689882c"} |
reasonForChange | The reason for changing the document, only valid for customers with GxP Workflows | No | A non-empty string |
workflowType | The type of workflow. Value TODO can be used for a single-step workflow with a TODO step. Value Approval can be used for a single-step workflow with an APPROVAL step. Value REVIEW_APPROVE is the default and can be used for any workflow. | No | One of the following: TODO, APPROVAL, REVIEW_APPROVE |
steps | An array of step definitions | Yes | See table below for details on each field in a step definition |
Step Definition
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
name | The name of the step | Yes | A non-empty string |
description | The description of the step | No | A non-empty string |
type | The type of the step | Yes | One of the following: TODO, REVIEW, APPROVAL |
stepOptions | Options for the step | Yes | See table below for details on each field in a step definition |
Step Options Definition
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
assignees | An array of assignees for the step | Yes | One or more user integer IDs, e.g., [1, 27, 422] |
minMustComplete | The number of assignees who must complete the task for the step to be considered complete | No | A positive integer less than or equal to the number of assignees. If ommited or set to null, all assignees must complete their tasks for the step to be completed. |
dueDate | Due date of the step | No | Date in ISO-8601 format e.g., 2022-02-27T14:00:00Z |
signatureRequired | Boolean option for APPROVAL steps that controls whether digital signatures are required for users approving the document. Can only be set to true for accounts with GxP Workflows enabled. | Yes for APPROVAL steps No for TODO or REVIEW steps |
true or false |
Request Examples
POST /pubapi/v1/workflows HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q Content-Type: application/json { "name": "Demo Workflow", "workflowType": "REVIEW_APPROVE", "file": { "groupId": "3d1d09d3-4533-4f90-b561-2d4ecdeba259" }, "steps": [ { "name": "Document Review", "type": "REVIEW", "description": "Please review this file", "stepOptions": { "dueDate": "2022-02-24T18:00:00Z", "assignees": [ 1, 46 ], "minMustComplete": 1 } }, { "name": "Document Approval", "type": "APPROVAL", "description": "Please approve this file", "stepOptions": { "dueDate": "2022-03-02T18:00:00Z", "assignees": [ 16 ], "signatureRequired": false } } ] }
Sample Response
{ "workflowId": "403eeaaf-6997-47f8-bbb0-6092ce4c5196" }
Get Workflow Details
This endpoint is used to fetch the details of a workflow
Request Parameters in the URL
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
WORKFLOW_ID | The ID of the workflow you would like the fetch | Yes | The workflow id |
Request Examples
GET /pubapi/v1/workflows/403eeaaf-6997-47f8-bbb0-6092ce4c5196 HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q
Sample Response
{ "id": "0ec5926c-afc5-46bd-aa0e-7540e675d808", "name": "Demo Workflow", "reasonForChange": null, "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "workflowCompletionStatus": null, "creationDate": "2022-02-23T16:19:14.519Z", "completionDate": null, "creator": { "id": 1, "username": "jsmith", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Smith", "email": "jsmith@example.com" }, "steps": [ { "id": "85627761-07b2-4ec8-9f94-10d9cd39a92a", "name": "Document Review", "description": "Please review this file", "type": "REVIEW", "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "dueDate": "2022-02-24T18:00:00Z", "startDate": "2022-02-23T16:19:14.635Z", "completionDate": null, "signatureRequired": null, "minMustComplete": null, "tasks": [ { "id": "2b4a7375-7131-4f6b-b298-f4bfd59633ae", "type": "REVIEW", "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "dueDate": "2022-02-24T18:00:00Z", "creationDate": "2022-02-23T16:19:14.635Z", "completionDate": null, "assignee": { "id": 17, "username": "grandolph", "firstName": "Greg", "lastName": "Randolph", "email": "grandolph@example.com" } }, { "id": "3c1e7375-7131-4f6b-b298-f4bfd59633a2", "type": "REVIEW", "status": "COMPLETED", "dueDate": "2022-02-24T18:00:00Z", "creationDate": "2022-02-23T16:19:14.635Z", "completionDate": "2022-02-24T16:03:27Z", "assignee": { "id": 22, "username": "pbloom", "firstName": "Petunia", "lastName": "Bloom", "email": "pbloom@example.com" } } ], "comments": [ { "id": "51a317e6-bd48-488c-a190-75962fe83452", "message": "Looks good to me!", "tags": [ ], "timestamp": 1645650964117, "author": { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "grandolph", "email": "grandolph@example.com", "firstName": "Greg", "lastName": "Grandolph", "typeName": "admin", "id": 17 }, "mentioned": { } } ] }, { "id": "6157337b-93ec-4658-86de-608642fab34d", "name": "Document Approval", "description": "Please approve this file", "type": "APPROVAL", "status": "NOT_STARTED", "dueDate": "2022-03-02T18:00:00Z", "startDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "completionDate": null, "signatureRequired": false, "minMustComplete": null, "tasks": [ { "id": "e4b52ff2-bdb6-48c5-b4ac-dec423a2ccf5", "type": "APPROVAL", "status": "NOT_STARTED", "dueDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "creationDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "completionDate": null, "assignee": { "id": 6, "username": "erockland", "firstName": "Emily", "lastName": "Rockland", "email": "erockland@example.com" } } ], "comments": [ ] } ], "file": { "groupId": "3d1d09d3-4533-4f90-b561-2d4ecdeba259", "entryId": "19efb714-db45-44c5-8e47-f185f0fdd5d9" } }
List Workflows
This endpoint is used to list workflows. When executed as an admin it will list all workflows in a domain. When executed as a non-admin it will execute only the workflows that the current user created.
Request Parameters in the URL
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
assignerId | Finds workflows created by a specific user | No | The integer user id |
assigneeId | Finds workflows that are assigned to a specific user | No | The integer user id |
groupId | Finds workflows created on a specific file | No | The Group ID of the file |
status | Finds workflows with a specific status | No | One of the following workflow status types: NOT_STARTED IN_PROGRESS, BEING_CANCELLED, CANCELLED, SUSPENDED, COMPLETED |
completionStatus | Finds completed approval workflows with a specific approval status | No | One of the following approval status types: APPROVED, REJECTED |
limit | The maximum number of workflows to return in each call. Default is 25. | No | An integer between 1 and 25 |
offset | A zero-based index which can be used with the limit to paginate the list of tasks. Offset defaults to 0. | No | Integer greater than or equal to zero and less than the totalCount of workflows. |
sortBy | The field to sort by. Defaults to DUE_DATE. | No | One of the following fields: NAME, CREATION_DATE, DUE_DATE, COMPLETION_DATE, WORKFLOW_STATUS, WORKFLOW_COMPLETION_STATUS |
sortDirection | The direction of the sort. Defaults to ASC. | No | One of the following directions: ASC, DESC |
Request Examples
GET /pubapi/v1/workflows?status=IN_PROGRESS&sortBy=CREATION_DATE&sortDirection=DESC HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q
Sample Response
{ "results": [ { "id": "0ec5926c-afc5-46bd-aa0e-7540e675d808", "name": "Demo Workflow", "description": null, "reasonForChange": null, "creationDate": "2022-02-23T16:19:14.519Z", "dueDate": "2022-03-02T18:00:00Z", "completionDate": null, "workflowDisplayId": 85, "type": "REVIEW_APPROVE", "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "completionStatus": null, "creator": { "id": 1, "username": "jsmith", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Smith", "email": "jsmith@example.com" }, "currentStepNum": 1, "totalSteps": 2, "currentStepProgress": 0, "assignees": [ { "id": 1, "username": "grandolph", "firstName": "Greg", "lastName": "Randolph", "email": "grandolph@example.com" } ], "file": { "groupId": "3d1d09d3-4533-4f90-b561-2d4ecdeba259", "entryId": "19efb714-db45-44c5-8e47-f185f0fdd5d9" } } ], "totalCount": 85 }
List Tasks
This endpoint is used to list the tasks assigned to the current user.
Request Parameters in the URL
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
status | Finds tasks with a specific status | No | One of the following workflow status types: NOT_STARTED IN_PROGRESS, BEING_CANCELLED, CANCELLED, SUSPENDED, APPROVED, REJECTED, COMPLETED |
limit | The maximum number of tasks to return in each call. Default is 50. | No | An integer between 1 and 50 |
offset | A zero-based index which can be used with the limit to paginate the list of tasks. Offset defaults to 0. | No | Integer greater than or equal to zero and less than the totalCount of tasks. |
sortBy | The field to sort by. Defaults to DUE_DATE. | No | One of the following fields: NAME, DUE_DATE, STATUS, TASK_TYPE |
sortDirection | The direction of the sort. Defaults to ASC. | No | One of the following directions: ASC, DESC |
Request Examples
GET /pubapi/v1/workflows/tasks?status=IN_PROGRESS HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q
Sample Response
{ "results": [ { "id": "37296067-29b3-4ce7-b419-45249a1b3e9e", "name": "Review", "description": "Please review this policy update", "creationDate": "2022-02-22T16:49:27.812Z", "dueDate": "2022-02-26T06:59:59.999Z", "completionDate": null, "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "taskType": "REVIEW", "workflow": { "id": "f1ae9f50-c5fc-45b1-9345-67e98f906d63", "name": "Policy Update" }, "assigner": { "id": 1, "username": "jsmith", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Smith", "email": "jsmith@example.com" }, "file": { "groupId": "3d1d09d3-4533-4f90-b561-2d4ecdeba259", "entryId": "19efb714-db45-44c5-8e47-f185f0fdd5d9" } } ], "totalCount": 28 }
Cancel Workflow
This endpoint is used to cancel an in progress workflow
Request Parameters in the URL
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
WORKFLOW_ID | The ID of the workflow you would like to cancel | Yes | The workflow id |
Request Examples
POST /pubapi/v1/workflows/403eeaaf-6997-47f8-bbb0-6092ce4c5196/cancel HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q Content-Type: application/json
Sample Response
This API returns an HTTP 204 status code with no response body on success
Webhook Completion Signal
This endpoint is used complete an Outbound Webhook task that has the completion signal option enabled.
Note: The webhook body you receive will include a key "callback" that is the fully formed URL you can use. You do not need to construct this URL yourself.
Request Parameters in the URL
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
WORKFLOW_ID | The ID of the workflow you would like to cancel | Yes | The workflow id |
TASK_ID | The ID of the task associated with the webhook step that you would like to mark as completed | Yes | The workflow id |
Request Examples
POST /pubapi/v1/workflows/a6b61e62-ad85-47fa-b36f-0c71daad4dcb/tasks/ac4cf8e0-c96f-433e-9e86-fba5709b1b49/completion-signal HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3 Content-Length: 0
Sample Response
This API returns an HTTP 204 status code with no response body on success
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- Overview
- Getting Started
- Authentication
- Best Practices
- File System API
- Permissions API
- Events API
- Search API
- Links API
- Workflow API
- User Management API
- Group Management API
- Audit Reporting API v2
- Trash API
- Comments API
- Metadata API
- Embedded UI API
- Bookmarks API
- User Insights API
- Folder Options API
- Project Folder API
- Controlled Document Management API
- Document Portal API
- Mobile Development
- Other Applications
- UI Integration Framework
- Webhooks
- Secure and Govern API
- Audit Reporting API V1