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Folder Options API
Modify Folder Options
This endpoint is used to modify the options for folders.
Request Parameters
At least one valid parameter must be included in a request.
Parameter | Description | Required | Possible Values |
folder_description | Text description of the folder. | No | Any string that is a maximum of 200 characters. |
allow_links | Choose whether links can be shared to files or sub-folders within this folder. | No | true, false |
public_links | Choose to allow public links from this folder for files and folders, files only, or not to allow public links. | No | files_folders, files, disabled |
restrict_move_delete | Boolean to restrict move and delete operations to only Admins and Owners if true. This cannot be applied to /Shared and /Private top-level folders. | No | true, false |
email_preferences | JSON object with boolean keys that can modify periodic emails about file changes. | No |
content_updates, content_accessed* * The content accessed option is unavailable for Standard Users |
Method-specific Response Codes
Error Code | Error Message | HTTP Code | Troubleshooting |
Bad Request | FOLDER_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG | 400 | Folder description cannot be longer than 200 characters. |
Unauthorized | This request is unauthenticated. Please provide credentials and try again. | 401 | Check that your token has Egnyte.launch websession scope. |
To refer to all the listing parameters for a folder, click here.
Request Examples
PATCH /pubapi/v1/fs/Shared/Contracts HTTP/1.1 Host: apidemo.egnyte.com Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q Content-Type: application/json { "folder_description": "This folder contains all of the contracts for our construction projects." }
curl -v --request PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer 68zc95e3xv954u6k3hbnma3q" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"folder_description": "This folder contains all of the contracts for our construction projects."}' https://apidemo.egnyte.com/pubapi/v1/fs/Shared/Contracts
Sample Response
{ "name":"Contracts", "lastModified":1464285110000, "path":"/Shared/Screenshots", "folder_id":"b6f42a4b-45f2-4e21-bab0-71f5b043f24d", "folder_description":"This folder contains all of the contracts for our construction projects.", "is_folder":true, "public_links":"files_folders", "restrict_move_delete":true }
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- Up: Overview
- Next: Project Folder API
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- Overview
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- File System API
- Permissions API
- Events API
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- User Management API
- Group Management API
- Audit Reporting API v2
- Trash API
- Comments API
- Metadata API
- Embedded UI API
- Bookmarks API
- User Insights API
- Folder Options API
- Project Folder API
- Controlled Document Management API
- Document Portal API
- Mobile Development
- Other Applications
- UI Integration Framework
- Webhooks
- Secure and Govern API
- Audit Reporting API V1